From the discussion which took place last evening on the subject of foot ball, it seemed very evident that the position of the students is as follows. Last year changes in the rules were proposed and adopted. These changes, however, have not proved sufficient in criminating the objectionable features of the game. The power of inflicting punishment must be increased. By doing this the unfair play which has been so manifest this year will disappear. We believe that this change, accompanied of course with other miner changes, will renovate the game of foot ball. What we ask is to be allowed to go into the foot ball convention, there demand that these radical changes be made, and then if defeated we will give up the game.
What we want is a fair trial. The experiment of last year can hardly be called that. The college did not realize the depth of the change which should have been made. Since then public opinion and college opinion have changed for the better, the circumstances themselves have changed. A failure then under those circumstances, does not necessarily mean another failure now under the existing circumstances. We ask the committee to post pone action in the matter until after the convention. We appreciate our danger and will do all we can to avert it. We only demand a fair chance, and slight delay which we ask does not seem an unreasonable request.
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Special Notices.