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We would call the attention of the shooting men of the college to the movements of their rivals at Yale. From the report of a recent meeting, taken from the Yale News, we learn that a new gun club has been formed among the students of the Sheffield Scientific School, which bids fair to become an important ally, if not a strong rival, to the existing Yale Gun Club. The new sportsman's club starts with a good membership, and under energetic management. It has already secured a complete outfit for shooting, including traps for shotgun, and butts for rifle practice. What has our own club done toward establishing rifle practice this year? Early last spring, if we are not mistaken, some attempts were made to arrange a match between the two colleges, but the Yale club, in response to the propositions made, replied very justly that it was then too late in the season to get a team into anything like form. If a match is to be shot this year, and we hope one will be arranged, it is time to begin negotiations now, since if the matter is deferred longer, either the Yale club or our own men will find themselves unprepared. We are led to suppose that our club is able to put a good team into the field, though it lost two excellent rifle shots in last year's class. At any rate, since there has been no word received from New Haven, we hope that our men will take the initiative and send a challenge, so that it may be known whether or not there is to be a match this year.
