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EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON :-I wish, through your columns to call the attention of all Freshmen to the recent organization of the "Chess Club of '88," to which only members of that class will be eligible. How much such a club is needed, must be evident to everyone; not only will it provide an opportunity to its members to pass away a few pleasant hours in playing a game which, more than any other, combines pleasure with instruction, but it will also agreeably enlarge the acquaintance-the intimate acquaintance-of every member, with those who are to be his companions for the next four years. Now, then, is the chance which every Freshman possessed of a fair knowledge of the game ought to seize, and it is to be hoped that all will see it in this light. The next regular meeting will be held Tuesday evening, December 16, and all names sent in now to the secretary, 12 Grays, will then be presented.

C. R. H., '88.
