
A Harvard-Yale-Columbia Race.

The Acta Columbiana, the representative the following appeal for a combination Harvard-Yale-Columbia race each spring: "In one of our last year's issues we seriously mooted the advisability of merging the Harvard-Columbia and Yale-Harvard boat-races into one grand combination of Harvard-Yale-Columbia. In the issue to which we refer, we further suggested that the representative papers of the respective Colleges ventilate their opinions upon the advisability of such a measure. The number, however, in which this editorial appeared was published in August, and in all probability our Harvard and Yale exchanges failed to observe it. We therefore are desirous of presenting the case again, with the conviction that our esteemed contemporaries will bestow upon it their mature deliberation. The advantages of this consolidation are obvious, though, for the benefit of those who have failed to give the question proper thought, we will enumerate one or two of the most salient features. The first, and indeed most important consideration, is the triple interest such an important event would arouse; secondly, a large diminution of expense for both the Columbia and Harvard crews; and, thirdly, the far greater honor the victors of this race would necessarily secure. For, example, it (we speak hypothetically) Columbia beat Harvard, and the latter is also defeated by Yale, there is considerable uncertainty existing as to the merits of the two victorious crews. Again, such an event would stimulate the healthy and manly rivalry between the three Colleges. Let our exchanges speak."

The reply of the CRIMSON will be found on the editorial column.
