

No Headline

And now the Harvard editor again smiles grimly as he reads, in one exchange after another, the periodical item in which is set forth the fact that editorial life at Cambridge is made bright and happy by exemption from the theme and forensic work which is exacted from his less fortunate undergraduate brethren. But is it not, after all, a pleasing little fiction? What can seem more natural than that the student who, from his position on a paper, is obliged to do tenfold the amount of writing required from his more fortunate fellows, should have his labors lightened somewhat by a regulation of this nature?

But no, we dare hope for no such good fortune. The toiling editor may, for all time to come, so far as we can see, be likened to Issachar, of whom it is written, "Yea, but he shall be likened unto an ass bending beneath two burdens," -stop a minute; there is something in that quotation that seems hardly to apply to the point in question; let us say, for instance, porter instead of ass; then the scriptural words will suit our case exactly.
