Brown university has voted to maintain a four-oared crew this year.
The price of board at Memorial to be charged in the first term bill is $4.00.
Puck has a cartoon this week, showing the results of a tie game of inter-col-collegiate foot ball.
Prof. Childs will have charge of Prof. Hill's course in English VII after Christmas.
Owing to an unfortunate delay, the Christmas number of the Lampoon will not appear till Monday.
A Banjo and Guitar club is to accompany the Williams Glee Club on its Christmas trip.
The candidates for pitcher of the Yale University nine have commenced training.
An '86 man had a complete gymnasium outfit stolen from his locker last week, although he had the key in his possession all the time.
About twenty-five of the Yale Freshmen are trying for positions on the nine. Five are aspirants for the pitchers position alone.
LOST.-A pair of Seal Skin Gloves. Probably left in Sever, or else dropped in the yard. Will the finder please leave his address at Bartlett's.
Hazing at Union College is over for this year. Four sophomores were detected in the act of placing a freshman on a Chinese idol standing behind the college and were promptly suspended, but were reinstated on condition that each one in the class would sign an agreement not to do any more hazing.
The semi-annual examination in N. H. 4, will count as 300 on a scale of 500, the final examination, of course counting 200.
Now that physical culture is to be taught at the University of Pennsylvania, that institution may be expected to show the college world how foot ball ought really to be played.-[Ex.
The Senior class elections at Cornell have caused a "bolt" in the class similar to one which occurred in '81, and unless the difficulty is settled it is probable that no commencement will be held this year.
Princeton has held a meeting, and voted herself the foot ball championship. While she's voting, she should secure the last base ball championship, and then, greatest feat of all, elect herself "a leading university."-[Yale Record.
The whole number of students at Columbia is 1458, divided among the following departments. Some of the men are counted twice and there are 7 women in a special department. School of Arts, 288; School of Mines, 268; Law School, 364; Medical School, 562; School of Political Science, 41.
Tuesday evening, a party of students at Yale b. lit a fire around the old historical Durfee pump. The dry woodwork of the pump soon caught fire, and the perpetrators of the deed yelled for St. John from the safe seclusion of a window while the pump burned fiercely.
The library is now close at a half hour before sundown. A line of disgusted men might have been seen turning away yesterday at half past three, as sundown was technically at four. One ingenious person is said to keep an alarm clock in his room so as to get up early enough before the library closes.
The attention of men who have not as yet made up their entrance conditions, is called to the following notice: "Entrance conditions in Botany, English Composition, French and German, may be made up at a special examination, to be held at the end of the Christmas recess. Students whose entrance conditions have not been removed at the end of the Freshman year, can not be examined at the June admission examination, but must make up their conditions at the beginning of some subsequent year, at the regular examination for admission in September."
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Special Notice.