

We invite all members of the university to contribute to our columns, but we do not hold ourselves responsible for any sentiments advanced in communications. Anonymous contributions will not be accepted.

EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON: -At the foot ball meeting held last evening, a committee of five gentlemen was appointed to alter the present rules of foot ball, in such a manner as to make the game less dangerous and brutal. I would like, through your columns, to make a suggestion as to these changes.

It does not seem to me that the lately suggested plan of counting points for the other eleven, if a man makes a "foul" or "off-side" play is a good one. It would make men want their opponents to play "off-side," and so would induce them to irritate their opponents into unfair plays by which their own side would score. I think that anyone will admit that the present rules would be strict enough, if it were possible for the referee to watch every man, and see every "foul" and "off-side" play. It seems to me that the best change that could be made would be to pass a rule that the judges, who at present do their best to distract the attention of the referee from foul plays of their own side, should not belong to either of the contesting colleges. I think that, if the two judges and the referee were all non-partisan, and all worked in the interest of fair play, the game would no longer be the dangerous and brutal (?) exhibition of to-day.

H. '86.
