
Foot Ball.


When Mr. McCook called the students to order at 7.30 last evening, Holden Chapel was comfortably filled, contrary to the expectations of those who are familiar to the scanty attendance by which Harvard "mass meetings are usually characterized. The election of a committee to devise new rules for the game, to be brought before the coming convention, resulted in the choice of Messrs. C. P. Curtis, L. S., E. T. Cabot, L. S., John Simpkins, '85, M. M. Kimball, '86, and G. C. Adams, '86. A paper was then read by Mr. Kimball, stating, in substance, that it was the opinion of the Harvard Association that, aside from technicalities, the game at New York had been fairly won by Yale. The motion to sanction this paper by a vote of the meeting was lost. It will be sent to Capt. Richards, however, as an informal personal opinion, signed by Messrs. McCook, Simpkins, and Kimball.

In response to a question from the floor, it was stated that the coming convention will take no action upon the awarding of the championship, inasmuch as by the decision of the referee, which is final, the game at New York was declared a draw, and in accordance with this decision there is no official championship this year. After some further desultory discussion the meeting was adjourned.
