

No Headline

We call attention to the announcement upon the Calendar of the public meeting of the Shakespeare Club tomorrow evening in Sever 11. Declamations will be given by members of the club. This, we understand, is to be the first of a series of public meetings. At some of these Mr. Jones will read Others will be given up to well-known lecturers. In spite of the criticism of our correspondent in another column, we think that the Shakespeare club has shown considerable energy and public spirit in the brief time since it began its existence. Probably, however, our correspondent mistook the character of the meeting tomorrow night. As to the audience at this meeting, we would advise everybody to attend, only we don't know how well the club can speak. However, we have no fear about the size of the audience. The men in college who take an interest, either active or passive, in elocution, are numerous enough to fill Sever 11 twice over. A large number of these will wish to see how the experiment of an elocutionary club succeeds.
