
Fact and Rumor.

Only five Freshmen have joined the bicycle club.

The first Roberts Hall Assembly occurs tonight.

A photo club has been formed at Yale with eleven members.

The fall physical examinations at the gymnasium are nearly completed.

As Christmas approaches, the Co-operative takes on quite a holiday appearance.


The classes in Johns Hopkins University are larger this year than ever before.

Trinity College had a lively cane rush last week. The freshmen were the victors.

Yesterday was municipal election day in Boston, and many students went to town to cast their votes.

DeCamp, end rusher of the Princeton Foot Ball team, has been elected captain of the team for next year.

Many men still find it pleasant enough to take a run on the track after their "gym." work in the afternoon.

C. W. Bird, Captain of the Princeton Foot Ball team for this year, has been elected Master of Geremomes for Commencement Day.

A number of Harvard men were expecting to enter the Technology athletic meeting Saturday, but found to their disappointment that the meeting was open to Technology men only.

Bayne of the Yale eleven is confined to his room by water on the knee, resulting from an injury received in the Princeton game.

The presence of Mr. Lathrop on the floor of the gymnasium in working costume, has created greater interest in gymnastics than ever. Tumbling is all the rage now.

The officers of the Photographic Society are: President, A. S. Johnson; vice-president, A. G. Webster; secretary and treasurer, S. Storrow. The secretary's address is 26 Little's block.
