
A Voluntary Course in Reading.

An auxiliary course to the English department begins to day. and promises to be of much practical benefit to the students. It is a voluntary course in the reading aloud of our mother tongue, an art in which many otherwise well educated men are sadly deficient. The instruction will be given by Mr. Edward Cummings, A. B, a member of the Divinity School. The prospectus of the course in detail is as follows. There will be three sections, each of which will meet twice a week at the following hours: Section A, Mondays and Wednesdays, from 12 to 1; section B, Mondays and Wednesdays from 3 to 4. The aim as stated above is to give instruction in the reading aloud of English prose. The sections are made small in order that as much time as possible may by devoted to individual practice. Before beginning the regular readings, Mr. Cummings proposes to give a few practical exercises in vocal culture the better to prepare the men for the subsequent work. The time during the remainder of the course will be devoted to reading selected passages from the following authors: Washington Irving, James Fennimore Cooper, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Oliver Wendell Holmes. All men who are desirous of taking this course must be in Sever 11, to day. either between 12 and 1, or between 3 and 4.
