Perhaps a certain class of sport, that of wrestling, in the various modes in which it is conducted, has the most to recommend it, and the one followed in the North of England is the best of all. It has had amongst its devotees men of tethers and of high cultivation. It has been said of a certain college, that it turned out better wrestlers than parsons. Certainly some of them made a greater figure in the ring, and a more successful one. than in the pulpit. At the end of last century and even at the beginning of the present one, it was thought no disgrace to "the cloth" to contest wrestling bouts in the north country. There was no money- that bane of all sports- to compete for. He wrestled for honor alone, and if "t' priest could thraw t' shepherd" more likely were his sermons to find their way to the hearts of his rustic parishioners. One clergyman, when he had got up in years, was wont to boast of
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