Yale has seven of her last year's crew back, if we include Mr. Parrott. He, however, has stated that he would not row this year; and those who are acquainted with his work in the past will say, that although he will be very much missed, yet he has earned by his faithful work the right of suiting his own convenience. The loss of Scott, '84, who rowed starboard stroke will also be deeply felt. He was generally admitted to be the handsomest oar in the boat, and then, too, his position is an unusually hard one to fill. All of the remaining six will probably occupy seats in the boat again this year, and for the remaining two places Appleton, '86, Rogers, '87, Boton, '86, S. S. S., and Verplank, '88, are the most prominent candidates. Some work will be done by the new men this fall, although it is doubtful whether the eight will row much together, The coxwaln has returned to his class, '86 S. S. S., and is expected to occupy his place in the boat. He has grown somewhat larger during the summer and now weighs over 75 lbs. Threats have been made of putting him through a course of training to reduce his weight, but he says he will not submit to it. The boat which was used in the lastrace, is safely stored in the boat house, and may, probably will be used again in the race next June.-[News.
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