Today the freshman eleven plays exeter. The game will probably be the most difficult struggle which the freshmen will have to overcome, with the exception of the Yale game. The reputation which the Exeter eleven has already acquired is well known. The team is undoubtedly the best that the school has ever produced, and the fact that they were bold enough to challenge our University eleven shows that they must play with considerable skill and courage. Our freshmen, however, are not discouraged at the bold front which the Exeter men put on. They have done all they can as a preparation for their struggle and will start today with a determination to keep up the good record which they have faithfully earned. There is little likelihood that they will be troubled with overconfidence and they must not be troubled with despondency. The games which they have played have been well won and have given them ample opportunities to correct some of their faults. We hope the record of victories will remain unbroken and that '88 may add to her foot ball glory the honor of defeating the present Exeter eleven.
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