

No Headline

During the last three days of doubt and suspense, all the daily papers have harassed the feelings of their readers by conflicting reports of success and defeat in the election. It will no doubt be a great relief to the excited public to find one journal which has preserved its former equanimity, which in the midst of the storm raging throughout the land, has remained cheerful and unmoved; one journal which has published no conflicting election returns, has issued no extra editions with false bulletins intended to keep up the excitement and a steady sale of the papers, but with a tender regard for the highly strung nerves of its readers has quietly pursued its former business of reporting actual occurrences. Such a journal the students of Harvard college support, and to its soothing and moderating influence may be traced in a great measure the coolness and resignation to the inevitable, shown by the great majority of its readers. The CRIMSON'S policy in times of great political excitement is to remain unmoved as a passive spectator and to gather rich fruit in philosophic contemplation of the desperate efforts of its contemporaries to brand one another as falsifiers and deceivers of the public.
