A special meeting of the board of overseers was held at Boston on Wednesday, Hon. E. R. Hoar in the chair. The board concurred with the president and fellows in appointing Robert Henri Harrison, D. V. S., instructor in anatomy and assistant surgeon in the veterinary hospital for three years from September 1, 1884; John wesley Houston, A. B., and George Willaim Browne, A. B., Proctors; Nathaniel Thayer Kidder, instructor in botany for the current academic year; Benjamin Osgood Pierce, Ph. D., assistant professor of mathematics and physics for 5 years from September 1, 1884; Professor Crawford H. Toy, a member of the library council, in place of Professor Ezra Abbott, deceased ; William B. Goldsmith, M. D., clinical instructor in mental diseases for the year 1884-5. The report of the committee on government for the Divinity School, was presented. The annual boards of visiting committees for 1884-85 were appointed and the overseers then adjourned to November 13.
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