

No Headline

The photographic committee of the Senior class has bestirred itself. Arrangements are being rapidly pushed by the photographer for the completion of the Cambridge studio, which will be located in the store formerly occupied by Moses King. Mr. Notman and the committee are to be congratulated on having procured a studio so conveniently located as the present one. The situation is as central as could possibly be obtained and affords no excuse for that negligence which so many men have proverbially shown in arranging for their sittings. We understand that the studio will be fitted up in the best possible manner and will be in the charge of a skilled operator who will be in constant attendance. With two wheel regulated studios at their disposal (the Boston and Cambridge studios of Mr. Notman) there seems to be no good reason to prevent the senior class from obtaining very satisfactory pictures. As soon as the studio is ready for use, the committee will publish a notice for the members of the senior class in regard to the sittings and other arrangements which will be made by them, and we confidently hope the class will realize the necessity of attending to their some what disagreeable duty and there by save us the pleasure of publishing at frequent intervals the usual frantic appeals of the photographic committee.
