Among the various organizations which have won glory for Harvard, and secured fun for themselves during the political campaign, the Harvard brass band may congratulate itself on coming out number 1, both in effective work done, and in the good time generally which it has had. The enviable reputation it has acquired as a noise producer, made its services invaluable for a torchlight parade, and the invitation showered upon it by both Republican and Democratic committees, were accepted with a readiness and an impartiality delightful to behold.
On Wednesday evening, Oct. 22, that evening made memorable by the heroic endurance of 300 Harvard men under a pelting rain of two hour's duration, the brass band never flinched from its duty. It had agreed to escort Carl Schurz and the Harvard delegation, and that agreement was kept, even at the cost of a thorough soaking of the swell new uniforms, there worn for the first time. The next evening the band paraded in the Republican torchlight procession in Melrose. A barge conveyed the twenty-five members to Melrose and back, taking an hour and a half for the journey each way. It is said on excellent authority that the reportorie of the hand on this occasion included five tunes. The band reached Harvard square on their return from the parade about 2 A. M., voting unanimously that they had a fine time, and that they were a great success.
On the Monday following the Melrose parade, the ears of the inhabitants of the aristocratic town of Salem were greeted with the melodious strains of the Harvard band, proudly marching through the streets as escort to the Republican legions of the Essex district. Several Harvard men led the band, adding greatly to the general effect by a reckless discharge of fireworks in all directions, now volleying in the policemen's backs, now in the muzzles of the band instruments, and now startling Salem's fair daughters by a reckless discharge at the windows. The band was warmly applauded along the route, and also met with a very sub stantial reception at the hands of the Colonial Club, who provided refreshments for the members. This part of the programme, as we may well imagine, was much appreciated. A special train brought the tired and happy musicians back to Boston, and 3 A. M. saw those who had not succumbed to the attractions of the Colonial Club, and of the present charming race of Salem witches, safely at rest in Cambridge.
Tuesday evening, the Chelsea Republicans enjoyed the services of the band in a parade in that classic town. The procession was a great success, notwithstanding the mud and wet weather. The band, it is perhaps needless to say, kept to its usual high standard of merit, and met with the universal approval of muckerdom, which was extremely well represented along the route. The beet part of this parade is generally considered to be the supper, which a member, living in Chelsea, kindly provided for the band. It is rumored that there were several young ladies present at the party, and also that the grime and general slime of the uniforms of the band was severely anathematized by members who realized too truly that distance lends enchantment to the view, and who saw themselves vanquished by men in civilians costume, simply because they were able to get nearer than ten feet to the representatives of the fair sex. The band returned in a barge, reaching the college buildings about 2 A. M.
The achievements of the Harvard brass band last Monday evening are too well known to need any description here, and made a fitting end to a brilliant record of music, mud, fun and glory.
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