Mathematical Seminar today in University 19 at 4 P. M.
Fifty Yale Sophomores have been warned of low standing.
The drum corps was photographed in uniform yesterday afternoon.
One valiant sophomore gathered four '88 hats at the rush on Monday evening. Next?
Wesleyan has decided to substitute cardinal and black for her present college color, lavender.
Yale has arranged for four more practice games before they play our eleven on the 22nd.
There will be an excursion in N. H. 4 today to Quincy. Train leaves Old Colony depot at 1.50 P. M.
The Yale eleven, instead of practicing one afternoon last week, rowed in the gymnasium instead.-[Yale News.
The Williams foot ball eleven is a strong one, and the game this afternoon will probably be very well contested.
Cornell is now discussing the project of consolidating all the athletic associations, base ball, foot ball, etc., into one athletic association.
One of the captains of the '86 delegation on the Monday night parade had only one order by which he restrained his followers. It was simply "whoa."
The Yale Record complains bitterly because the Rutgers men will not play a return match with their eleven and allow Yale a chance to whitewash the Jersey men.
A petition is being circulated at Cornell, asking to have the library open in the evening. We wish a petition to the same effect would do any good here at Harvard.
The Technology men made themselves conspicuous on the streets Tuesday evening while waiting for the election returns by their constant cheering and rushes through the crowd.
The standard time now in use makes the hours for recitation close 16 minutes later each afternoon than in former years, so the eleven has just so much less time for practice each evening before darkness closes in.
Among the members of the graduate eleven who will play some of the college elevens this fall are Pease, '83, of Princeton, and Lamb, Camp, Morehead, Harding and Thompson of Yale. They have arranged to play a game with the Yale eleven on Nov. 19.
The room of two Yale seniors was robbed one evening last week, when the two unfortunates were out. Nearly all the clothing was taken away. The following appears in the Yale Record: "All contributions for the Durfee sufferers may be handed to the committee, any articles of clothing will be acceptable." The Record also says, in an editorial on this bold theft. "When a man comes home, and finds everything gone but a paper collar, and a tennis belt he realizes what it is to be a flood-sufferer."
Prof. Paine is to deliver a series of 25 lectures upon musical history during the coming season and had arranged with vocal and instrumental soloists as well as choruses to assist in giving illustrations of the music of the several periods discussed. These lectures will be delivered at noontime Wednesdays and Saturdays, beginning Nov. 15, and it is the design of Prof. Paine that the subject shall be treated in a way to interest the general public as well as the musical student. The lectures will be delivered at Chickering Hall.
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