EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON: -The Shakespeare Society cannot take the place of an inter-collegiate oratorical association, any more than class races and games between elevens of the same college, can take the place of inter-collegiate races and games. To be considered the best orator in Harvard would be a great honor, but to be ranked the first orator in all of our colleges would be a greater. The greater the honor the greater the effort to secure, hence the advantage of an intercollegiate association over the Shakespeare Society.
Nether "Demosthenes," nor "S. S.," nor the CRIMSON has mentioned, or seemed to be aware of the fact that such an institution as the above mentioned exists between the colleges of six different western states, and that these different State associations are united into an Inter-state Oratorical Association. The latter has existed for ten years and has been productive of much good. Such an institution is needed even more in the East than in the West, where more attention is given to oratory in the regular college curriculum.
A meeting of those interested in this matter ought to be held to crystallize their ideas upon the subject and develope a plan to propose to other colleges.
J. F. M.
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