TO LET-No. 22 Thayer. Apply at Bursar's office, or address this office.
To Let-No. 30 Felton, at a discount. Apply at No. 3 Weld, between 1.30 and 2 P. M.
A student desires to purchase a few collections of postage or revenue stamps. Address P. O. Box 2, Cambridge, Mass.
FOUND-On a North avenue car, a silk skull cap, dropped by an '88 man in his struggle to save his plug hat. Apply at Leavitt and Peirce's.
LOST-An overcoat, which was lefton the steps of Matthews, when the class of '86 was photographed. Please leave word with janitor of Weld.
LOST-A banjo, (Dobson maker,) in a red flannel case. The finder will be rewarded by returning the same to 78 Mt. Auburn st., and no questions will be asked.
Mr. T. F. Martin will give instruction to Harvard students in club swinging and juggling. His pupils have successfully competed in the winter meetings and other amateur exhibitions. Address, T. Martin, 22 Spark st.
TO STUDENTS-A lady would like a club of about eight students to board; also, large furnished rooms to let near Cambridge Park. For particulars apply to MRS. TRIPP, 1 Winthrop square, Cambridge.
J. F. Noera has leased the rooms above his store, formerly occupied by Peter Martin, tailor. He has refitted the place for the manufacture of athletic and tennis goods, and continues the old trade, pressing, cleansing, repairing and dyeing clothes. 436 Harvard street.
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