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EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON: -To a Western student anticipating his successful entrance into college, Harvard is apt to appear to his imagination in picturesque colors. He will have an impression in his mind of scholastic quiet unbroken, except, perhaps, by an occasional visit to Boston. Cambridge to him is the home of scholars. All this he will be justified in pleasantly anticipating and appreciating in contradistinction to Western bustle and enterprise. But his pleasing dreams will be most ruthlessly swept aside by the reality.

For it is safe to assert that it would be difficult to find a more uproarious place at night than the environs of Harvard, and especially of Harvard square. The noise and clamor continue until alter midnight. It is a mixture of noises compounded of passing bands, cheering, yells and street car bells. There is at least one sufferer who has found scarcely any sleep, or opportunity or mood for study for the last two weeks. Cambridge outrivals some of the worst cities of the west. This is an unfortunate fact, especially after what has been heard of Eastern culture and refinement.

