TO LET-No. 22 Thayer. Apply at Bursar's office, or address this office.
TO Let-No. 30 Felton, at a discount. Apply at No. 3 Weld, between 1.30 and 2 P. M.
SPARRING ROOM, Hemenway Gymnasium. Professor Ferris desires all pupils to arrange time as soon as possible. Hours from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M.
Mr. T. F. Martin will give instruction to Harvard students in club swinging and juggling. His pupils have successfully competed in the winter meetings and other amateur exhibitions. Address, T. Martin, 22 Spark st.
WANTED-If the gentleman who wrote the article for the Crimson entitled "The University in a Worldly Point of View," would kindly send his name to the editors he would greatly oblige.
TO STUDENTS-A lady would like a club of about eight students to board; also, large furnished rooms to let near Cambridge Park. For particulars apply to MRS. TRIPP, 1 Winthrop square, Cambridge.
J. F. Noera has leased the rooms above his store, formerly occupied by Peter Martin, tailor. He has refitted the place for the manufacture of athletic and tennis goods, and continues the old trade, pressing, cleansing, repairing and dyeing clothes. 436 Harvard street.
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