
Fact and Rumor.

The first Forensic is due Saturday, Nov. 15.

Six Harvard graduates are studying at the Technology.

There will be no recitation in Philosophy 1 or 4 tomorrow.

The Rev. George A. Golden preached in the chapel last evening.

J. S. Phillips and J. A. Hill, '85, have been elected members of the Signet.


Instantaneous photographs of the crews in the scratch races can be obtained at Bartlett's.

A loose railroad horse in the yard on Saturday morning caused considerable fun before he was captured.

Athletics in England, are at this time of the year, laid on the shelf. Foot ball is king for the time being.

Our exchange says that the rush line of the Dartmouth eleven was larger than the Yale rushers.

The Tech eleven play the Tufts college eleven today at College Hill and with Dartmouth on the 15.

The Amherst students were not granted permission to be excused from the college exercises in order to go home and vote.

Dr. O. J. Pfeiffer who rowed on the 'Varsity crew of '81, while a number of the Medical School has been appointed superintendent of the Union Pacific hospital in Denver with a large salary.

Prof. Palmer has assigned the following for a subject for forensics: "Is Locke's Theory of Social Contracts Tenable?"

Princeton's professors will probably vote as follows: Cleveland, 13: Blaine, 12; Scattering, 18. The students-Cleveland, 38; Blaine, 34.

One of the rooms in Durfee Hall at Yale was entered, last Tuesday, by thieves, and the entire wardrobe of both occupants stolen.

Student life in Russia is pleasant, about 1000 students have been expelled from the University at Kieff, and drafted into penitentiary regiments.

It is reported that a gentleman from the Freshman class has been elected an honorary member of Phi Beta Kappa. This is an unusual compliment to one so young.

The canvass now being taken here shows that Yale is conservative in her politics as everything else, the Republicans averaging about three to every Democrat.

The Fitchburg Glee Club, which last year dragged through a precarious existence, has been started again, and bids fair to flourish vigorously this year.

The championship of the New York college ball association was not awarded to any nine. All the colleges it is claimed, broke the rules by having outsiders play on their nines.

Princeton has arranged for a series of lectures and concerts to be given during the winter term. Among the lecturers are Warren G. Richards, Thomas Nast, Judge Tourgee and John B. Gough.

It is rumored that the Harvard men are going to rush the Techs on the night of the torchlight procession, in order to get a better position in the ranks. Shall old acquaintance be forgot?-[Tech.

The route of the procession has been changed a little in its first part. The procession will march the whole length of Commonwealth ave., on the north side to Dartmouth st., from which point the route will be the same as beore announced.
