WANTED-A 52 or 54 inch bicycle, Star or Crank. Address B, 31 Hollis.
Furnished rooms to let very cheap at 736 Cambridge street. Homer W. Hervey.
LOST-A stylographic pen. Will the finder please leave with the Auditor or with Leavitt and Peirce.
WANTED-Complete files of the Harvard Daily Echo, The Harvard Herald-Crimson, and the Harvard Daily Herald, for which a good price will be paid. Address 22 Weld.
LOST-On the tennis courts on Holmes Field about 4.30 P. M. Monday, Nov. 24, Preble and Parker's handbook of Latin writing. Finder will please leave it at Stoughton 28.
LOST. -A pocketbook containing money, stamps, car tickets and membership tickets. Lost last week, probably in the gymnasium. The finder will be liberally rewared on returning the same to 14 Grays.
J. F. Noera has opened to the inspection of the public, a new tailoring department. His new method for cleansing clothes by the steam-naptha process is ne plus ultra. The repairing and pressing are done by first-class work men. All orders thankfully received 438 Harvard street.
GERMAN LANGUAGE. -Mr. Bernhard Schroeder, who has taught his native tongue in this city for three years with the greatest success, will come a few nights in the week to Cambridge, to prepare Harvard students for the next examination. Will also take a limited number of pupils either in class, or individually. Address, 6 Park square, Boston.
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National Episcopal University.