
Fact and Rumor.

The lecture in Eng. 7 today will be omitted.

There will be no more recitations this week in Philosophy 1 and 4.

As tomorrow will be Thanksgiving Day, the next edition of the CRIMSON will appear on Friday.

Mr. Forchheimer, '87, will act as leader of the Pierian Sodality in the coming winter concert.

The idea of holding a series of interclass games of base ball, seems to be meeting with favor at other colleges.


The result of the Yale-Princeton game Thursday will be posted at Leavitt and Pierce's immediately after the game.

The postponed meeting of the student committee on Holmes Field and track will be held today at 1.30 P. M., in 1 Grays.

The Sprinfield Republican thinks that "the Harvard boys ought to be kept at prayers till they know better than to tar the bronze statue of John Harvard."

A series of thefts that had been endured through a long period of time at Yale without attracting any particular attention was capped recently by the sleasing of two meerschaum pipes, whereupon the students aroused themselves, and the thief was at once caught. There are many wrongs which a college community patiently endures, but the abstraction of its meershaum pipes is not one of these. -[Cornell Sun.

The Freshman class at Cornell has a "Bread and Milk Club." Bowls have been provided and a grand banquet is expected on Thanksgiving Day.

Tickets for the concert of the Glee Club and Pierian Sodality, which will be given in Sanders Theatre on December 9, are now on sale at Severs.

Dr. Hart wishes that the men in History 13 who have been unable to attend some of the lectures, would kindly hand him the dates of their absences.

The laboratory in N. H. 5. will be open on Wednesday and Friday of this week as usual. The weekly lecture by Prof. Goodale was given on Monday.

Adelbert College, in Cleveland, has declared in favor of co-education. The action has caused a revolt, and eighty students have refused to attend recitations. -[Ex.

The students at Cornell are negotiating for cheap fares between Ithaca and New Orleans, in order that those who wish, may attend the great exhibition in New Orleans.

The Middlesex Sportsman's Club will hold an all-day meeting on the grounds at Watertown, tomorrow. All members of the Harvard Shooting Club who desire practice are invited to attend.

Three of the Chinese students who were attending the Technology four years ago were killed at the battle of the Min river. They were lieutenants in the Chinese army and died fighting bravely against the French.

A pamphlet has been issued by the Yale faculty, containing the optional scheme, with explanations and comments. Some changes have been made on the list published in the summer, especially in the department of English and Anglo-Saxon literature. The changes will make it possible to obtain a very through knowledge of this important subject.

The students of the Spanish university in Madrid are thoroughly incensed against the bishops for censuring one of the professors for advocating liberty of education. The frate disciples of the higher culture expressed their disapprobation of the Bishop's course by thronging the streets today and making a tumultuous demonstration. The police at last succeeded in dispersing the young men, but not before twenty of their number had been arrested. -[Ex.
