The foot ball season has practically ended; nothing remains but for our Freshman to try their mettle against Yale. This fall we had confidently expected success in lawn tennis. At one time we had hoped for our foot ball team, but Pennsylvania, Wesleyan, Princeton and Yale were too much for us. Let us not, however, feel discouraged over the past. At lacrosse we see no reason why with hard work our team cannot retrieve their defeats of last spring. Boating is our own especial province, and it is only once within the last three years that Yale has been fortunate enough to shoot her now beyond ours. But it is to base ball that we can look more confidently for success. Yale loses some of her best men, while our nine will be nearly if not fully as strong as last year. Last spring it was generally admitted that our team was the strongest as far as individual players went; unity and steadiness in play was what was needed. With constant work in the gymnasium and faithful training during the winter on the part of every candidate for the nine, we can confidently look forward to as good a nine next spring as Harvard has had for many a year.
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