The unfavorable weather with which our foot ball teams are now favored brings to mind the fall of '82, when we met with a similar hindrance from a somewhat too previous snow storm. Many a junior recalls with pride the alacrity with which be, then a mere freshman, stepped forward and lent his and to the good work of relieving Holmes Field of its unwelcome coverlet. Many a junior, too, will remember the sudden increase in alacrity with which he surrendered his shovel to some new comer and silently became absent from the cold field after a mauvaise quarts' hear of shivering labor. Well, the field was shoveled, despite the alarming number of desertions, and the men to whose efforts this great work was due, watched the subsequent game with Yale with feelings of well deserved satisfaction. The elements may be against us, but to paraphrase "Life," "Praegelida set dies cum Harvard sinistra."
We call up these records of the patriotism of '86 from the mouldy archives of the past to set them before the eyes of '88, for it may snow again, and someone must shovel the field if it does, hence the point to be made is that "what freshman has done once, freshman can do again."
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