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Hardly a fortnight ago we printed an editorial commenting upon the alarming prevalence of petty thieving in the college. As we predicted at that time, the matter was passed over and forgotten, apparently no effort whatever being made by the proper authorities to put a stop to the nuisance by detecting and punishing the offenders. We are led to refer to the subject again because of a recent and daring case of theft. Last week a student, upon going to dinner at Memorial, hung his overcoat upon one of the hooks at the side of the hall. Imagine his supreme disgust, when looking for his coat after dinner, to find that it had been stolen, almost under his very eyes. Now why should we be continually troubled by annoyances of this nature? There is no doubt but that the whole system of thievery could be promptly broken up if the authorities would only adopt the proper and needful course. At Yale the same state of affairs has existed, but, as usual, we are again forced to yield precedence to the New Haven university, for we learn from the Yale press that an offender has been caught, and safely locked up too. It is a good example, this that has been set for us by our sister college; let us lose no time in following it, though somewhat tardily.
