
As Others See Us.

The current number of the Warren Literary Magazine of Princeton, has a communication on Harvard athletics from a graduate of Princeton, a well known foot ball player.

"After walking around the campus, and admiring the many and beautiful college buildings and statues, notably among the latter the one of John Harvard, recently unveiled, your correspondent strolled over to Jarvis Field, the seene of so many hard fought athletic contests, in which Princeton men have participated. Here he found the 'Varsity foot ball team hard at work with the Freshmen eleven. At first sight he was struck with the disparity in size between the men who compose this year's eleven and those of the former years. The playing of the team, as a whole, lacked unity. Every man seems to play for himself. This is especially noticeable among the forwards. The great fault with the playing of the rash line, as it appeared to your correspondent, was not blocking hard enough, and not playing sharp enough. As regards the half-backs, their kicking is very good, but fumbling occurs too frequently, and not enough attention seems to be paid to running and dodgeing."

The following criticism of the game on Saturday, is taken from the Yale News, and probably expresses the opinions of Messrs. Richards and Peters, who witnessed the match:

"For Princeton to score thirty-four points off Harvard, had Harvard played as she did earlier in the season would have amounted to little but Harvard did not. She played a strong, hard game and kept the ball in Princeton's half of the field fully one-half if not over one-half of the time. For Princeton to score so much against such a team shows that she is indeed strong. Her team play on Saturday was simply perfect and passing something astonishing. Several times we saw the ball passed four and once six times. But that is not all; her rushers run and dodge splendidly while the running of her halfbacks is almost phenomenal. Of Moffat's kicking powers it is unnecessary to say anything."
