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Some one disfigured the Chapel and the Harvard statue, night before last, by painting in large letters on them the class-name of '87. We have to believe that these acts of vandalisn were committed by '87 men. We have a better opinion of the class. Generally a man whose wit is of such magnitude that he is capable of a deed of this sort, does not long care to display his takent here at Harvard. He finds that his fellow-students do not appreciate fun of that kind. If he does continue, however, in these sorry exbibitions of his wit, it conveys a stigma upon the bublic sentiment of decency in his frieuds, and, in a less degree, in his class. We know that it is a human failing to encourage anything. however silly, that is done in defiance of anthority; but harvard men have hitherto been free from this failing in its extreme form. This last performance, however, equals the best feats of silliness on record.
