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The announcement made by the H. A. A. that the hare and hounds' run of yesterday would probably be the last of the season, is regretted by a considerable number of men in college. Why should not the association give more runs as long as the interest in this sport continues to hold good? There can be but two possible objections, one the cost, and the second, the weather. Neither of these is sufficient for putting an end to the runs. Take, for instance, the matter of cost. The association is not in a poverty-stricken condition, to put it mildly, and the cost, about $6 a hunt, is less in proportion to the number of entries and consequent good accomplished than is the cost of any other event held under its auspices. As for the weather, that will in all probability continue mile enough for running during three weeks to come, and give opportunity for as many more hunts.

The runs should be finished before dark, as the pleasure in much decreased if the hounds have to grope around in the dark, hunting after the scent.
