
Special Notices.

All notices published under this head except "Lost" and "Found" notices must be paid for before insertion.

TO LET-No. 22 Thayer. Apply at Bursar's office, or address this office.

WANTED-A few more students to board at 410 Harvard street. Firstclass meals.

FOUND-A pair of eye glasses, which the owner can have by calling at the Co-operative office.

LOST-A note book in Pol. Econ. IV. Reward will be given for the return of the same to 12 Matthews. W. C. Boyden, '86.

WANTED.-As Superintendent, competent and practical men for Clothing and Boot and Shoe Departments. Give experience and terms. Address, Rubber Manufacturer, 114 and 115 South street, New York.


J. F. Noera has leased the rooms above his store, formerly occupied by Peter Martin, tailor. He has refitted the place for the manufacture of athetic and tennis goods, and continues the old trade, pressing, cleansing, repairing and dyeing clothes. 436 Harvard street.

Mr. F. W. Patch, teacher of Guitar, is in Cambridge two evenings per week and will receive a few more pupils, either beginners or advanced students. Scholars make rapid progress by the most popular and interesting method now in use. Best of references; for terms and particulars address F. W. Patch, Box 76, Waltham, Mass.

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