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The plan pursued by Prof. Palmer in making up the list of absent in English 7 is an excellent one and should be adopted by all the instructors whose courses are numerously attended. In sections like Sophomore Rhetoric, Natural History 4, French 1, and many others of a similiar size, much valuable time is lost in the useless occupation of calling the roll, In many of these courses fully ten minutes is wasted by the instructors in this wearisome work.The plan adopted by Prof. Palmer is to allow each member of the section to hand in a piece of paper at stated periods with the number of avsences written upon it. In this simple way the in structor is saved the necessity of reading off the names of the members of the section wholly. The trouble to the students in preparing these slips of paper is hardly worth considering. It would seem as though this plan, which is at once so simple and laborsaving, could be profitably adopted by many instructors at college. If we cannot have the privilege of absolute voluntary recitations we can at least be saved the annoyance of hearing our names read off daily in the wearisome tones which are generally employed in the performance of this duty.
