
Fact and Rumor.

The Glee Club expects to give its first concert within a week or two.

The Y. M. C. A. at Yale holds monthly meetings during the college year.

Dr. Channing will meet History 15 this evening at 8 o'clock in 40 Mathews.

The seventh subject for Sophomore themes is, "A legitimate purpose of a college course."

There will be a make up examination in analytical geometry to-day at 2 P. 56 College House.


Mr. W. E. Faulkner, '87, has been elected a sporting editor of the DAILY CRIMSON.

There is every prospect of a large attendance at the meet of the shooting Club, this afternoon.

The number of men who accompanied the eleven to Canada was finally reduced to one, and he was the manager.

Princeton now boasts of having great confidence in the ability of its team to defeat Yale this year, but asks odds.- [Yale News.

Freshmen are now anxious to get into print with accounts of the rush on Nov. 3d. but nothing of sufflcient merit has yet reached the CRIMSON.

The report that freshmen are purchasing out the remaining stock of '87 hats for decorations has, happily for '88, been proved unfounded.

The floats at the boat house have been taken in.

Truly the journalist's life in some of our freshwater colleges is not a happy one. The following order has promulgated by the Faculty of Hamilton college. N. Y.

As a senior forensic is due on Saturday, the 15th, Mr. Kendall has extended the time for handing in the third theme in English 12, until Friday, Nov. 21.

Junior and Sophomore themes not dropped in the wooden box in Sever 3 on the day they are due, must be brought or sent by mail (at the sender's risk) to the instructor.

A scrub eleven composed of Boston men, was defeated by Andover at foot ball Saturday afternoon by a few points. Twombly, Yale '84, and Morrison, Harvard '83, played on the Boston team.

Resolved, that the editors of the Hamilton Lit. are hereby informed that during the coming year they are to refrain from all criticism or unfavorable mention of any member or members of the Faculty.

The Dartmouth coolly notifies the Freshmen that the whole class is enrolled as its subscribers, and if there is anyone that doesn't want the paper he can come round to the office and order it stopped.

Wm. Blaikie, the author of "How to Get Strong," and several other works of like nature, recently delivered an address to the students of Oberlin, his subject being, "Sound Bodies and How to Get Them."

President Carter, Of Williams, is to visit the Amherst and Harvard gymnasiums for the purpose of selecting suitable plans for a new gymnasium at Williams. There is now a fund of about $40,000, for the erection of the gymnasium.

No theme overdue will be received unless it receives the signature of the Registrar. Every member of the junior and sophomore classes is expected to have a copy of the English Composition Marking Card, and is held responsible for a knowledge of the directions thereon.
