
Special Notices.

All notices published under this head except "Lost" and "Found" notices must be paid for before insertion.

TO LET- No. 22 Thayer. Apply at Bursar's office, or address this office.

WANTED- A few more students to board at 410 Harvard street. First-class meals.

A student desires to purchase a few collections of postage or revenue stamps. Address P. O. Box 2, Cambridge, Mass.

LOST- Somewhere near the Co-operative Society's Office, a $10 bill. The finder will kindly return it to 17 Weld Hall and oblige owner.

WANTED-AS Superintendent, competent and practical men for Clothing and Boot and Shoe Departments. Give experience and terms. Address, Rubber Manufacturer, 114 and 115 South street, New York.


Mr. T. F. Martin will give instruction to Harvard students in club swinging and juggling. His pupils have successfully competed in the winter meetings and other amateur exhibitions. Address, T. Martin, 22 Spark street.
