Old and hackneyed as the subject of regular physical exercise must have become to upper classmen, it is yet of so great importance that we cannot refrain from calling the attention of the freshmen to the great importance of systematic and continued physical exercise. At a college where physical exercise is voluntary, it is too frequently the case that the students will neglect such exercise, or only those give it their attention who need it least. At this season of the year it is natural that the gymnasium should be deserted and that those who are accustomed to give the proper attention to exercise in the gymnasium during the winter months, should feel that their time can be spent to better advantage at present in the open air than in the gymnasium. No season of the year is more favorable to out-door exercise than the cool period of autumn. It is perhaps of greater interest to the student to take advantage of the benefits arising from exercise in the open air than to devote his time to the gymnasium. But the great danger to be feared is that in neglecting the gymnasium the student will come to avoid all physical exercise. It is an unwise course to use time which should be devoted to exercise for purposes entirely foreign to physical exertion of any kind. It is impolitic for the hard student to devote his entire time to a course of life calculated to steadily undermine his constitution. No man can accomplish such ends by so easy means as he can when he is in strong, good health. We think this subject cannot be too strongly recommended to the calm consideration of every member of the college who seeks not only present success and good health, but success and good health in the future.
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