TO LET-No. 22 Thayer. Apply at Bursar's office, or address this office.
TO LET-No. 56 Matthews, double room, $125, Apply at Bursar's office.
A student desires to purchase a few collections of postage or revenue stamps. Address P. O. Box 2, Cambridge, Mass.
J. F. Noera has leased the rooms above his store, formerly occupied by Peter Martin, tailor. He has refitted the place for the manufacture of athletic and tennis goods, and continues the old trade, pressing, cleansing, repairing and dyeing clothes. 436 Harvard street.
Jules Picot, formerly of Hayward Place and Brighton, now of 491 Tremont, near corner of Berkeley and Dover street, respectfully solicits his friends and patrons to visit his new place. Liquors and cigars. Chop house. Game suppers and Welsh rarebits a specialty. Private supper rooms.
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