
Senior Class Meeting.

The senior class met last evening for the purpose of reaching some decision in regard to the torchlight procession. As was expected the meeting was largely attended and a great deal of enthusiasm was shown for the rival candidates. After considerable discussion and a number of speeches, an informal vote was taken which resulted as follows: Cleveland, 67; Blaine, 56. A number of motions were made and lost, but finally it was decided to march in the procession for those candidates for whom the majority of the college is in favor, as shown by the Harvard Union canvass. The result of this canvass will be published by Saturday morning, if not sooner. When this vote was passed, the meeting proceeded to elect officers for the procession as follows: Chief marshal for the whole procession, J. J. Storrow; drum major for the whole procession, S. E. Winslow; first marshal for the class, J. E. Thayer; second marshal, C. H. Atkinson; third marshal, F. A. Delano. A committee of three was appointed to make all arrangements for the procession, consisting of W. H. Baldwin, S. E. Winslow and H. M. Williams. It was also voted low carry a transparency with the result of the Harvard Union canvass upon it, and another with the result of the canvass of the senior class. A motion was carried requesting the Polo club to parade in suitable uniforms on horseback. The meeting then adjourned.
