For tutor in Classics apply to J. M. Paton, 154 Brattle St.
TO LET-Three elegant rooms on one floor, locality best in Cambridge. Enquire at Pach's Studio.
TO LET-No. 24 Felton Hall, one of the best rooms in the building at a sacrifice. Apply to janitor at once.
Furnished and unfurnished rooms to let at 34 Beacon Street, Somerville, within one-half mile of the college.
A club of students can be accommodated with board, also good rooms to let at No. 6 Garden St, Mrs. S. Sprague.
A club of gentlemen can be accommodated, also seats at a general table, at Mrs. Morgan's, 97 Mt. Auburn street.
Correct styles in garments for young men, at moderate prices, can be obtained of H. L. Hurlbut, Tailor, 125 Tremont Street.
ROOMS TO LET-Furnished or unfurnished, with or without board. For students only; terms reasonable; J. J. Whitney, 77 North av.
LOST-A black spring overcoat and a black silk umbrella lined with blue and with the owner's name on the inside. The finder will please leave at Leavitt and Peirce's.
Star Bicycle, 51 inch, special improved, nearly new, for sale at a bargain. Large number of extras with machine. Address, John R. Bridge; Cambridge.
Billy Fraser, Light Weight Champion of New England, the popular teacher of sparring, will receive communications addressed to New Church St., Somerville, Mass.
FOR SALE-Bicycle, full nicked, 52-inch, Special Club, double ball bearings, patent non slipping tire, ball pedals, andc. Has been used very little. Address 41 Matthews.
LOST-Last Saturday morning between Jarvis Field and Brookline bridge, Cambridge, a ladies'dark blue Ulster. Finder please return the same and receive reward as 11 Weld.
Beware of cheap laundries. If you wish to have your linen clean, and not damaged, as is the case in most laundries, leave it at J. F. Noera's, 436 Harvard street, the only reliable and original Troy laundry.
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