The redistribution of seats at Memorial will be made today.
Williston Academy is anxious to play the freshman team in football.
The members of the chapel choir at Trimty College are allowed twelve cuts a year.
Order slips appeared on the tables at Memorial Hall yesterday at lunch for the first time.
Sixty or seventy more boarders have been accommodated by the new arrangement of seats at Memorial Hall.
The management at Memorial Hall is to be congratulated on perfecting the arrangements for extra orders so early in the term.
Several men have been selected on probation to fill the vacancies in the Glee Club, and all such have been notified by postal card.
The annual called the Directory, containing the hists of the officers and students, published by the college, appears today and will be on sale at Severs and the Co-operative.
It is estimated, by the Commissioner of Education, that the total value of the grounds, buildings and apparatus of the 375 colleges in the United States will reach $43,500,000.
Yesterday afternoon the lacrosse players and cricketers were out for the first time. Twenty lacrosse men played on the East End of Jarvis, and about a dozen cricket men practised bowling and batting on the West End of Holmes.
At the last regular meeting of the Harvard chapter of the Delta Upsilon the following officers were elected: President, W. C. Smith, '85; vice president, R. S. Bickford, '85; secretary, J. A. Hill, '85; treasurer, J. H. Huddleston, '86; chorister, C. A. Whittemore, '85; corresponding secretary, C. M. Harrington, '85; editor of the Fraternity Quarterly, A. A. Gleason, '86.
The following gentlemen have been elected as the second ten of the Everett Athenaeum: C. F. A. Currier, Craig, G. F. Buck, J. W. Dudley, Litchfield, Pinkham, C. G. Smith, Southworth, Tuthill, C. S. Thompson.
At a meeting of the Cleveland and Hendricks club of the Law School yesterday, it was voted that the executive committee make arrangements for a public meeting under the auspices of the club at an early day. Messrs. Warner, Lee and Curtis were appointed a committee to report on the formation of a company from the members of the club. The club now numbers 75 men, and the canvass is not yet completed.
At a mass meeting of the students of the Massachusetis Institute of Technology the vote was 259 for Blaine and only 85 for Cleveland. The Tech will therefore march in the Republican procession.
It was also voted in deference to individual option that no political transparences reflecting upon either of the prominent candidates should be borne in the procession.
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