As has been casually stated, Brown University is to have a new gymnasium, something which it has long needed. The movement began at the last annual meeting of the alumni in June, when a committee of ten arumm was selected to take the matter in charge. As the common fund of the college will not admit of any sum being appropriated for this need, it is proposed to acquire the amount by subscription. The sum which will be needed is estimated at $80,000, and of this about $50,000 will be used to erect and equip a building, first class in every particular, and the remainder will be set aside as a fund, the interest of which shall be used to meet the necessary repairs and running expenses. Whatever is pledged shall be payable, one-half before the 15th of next April, and the remainder before April 15, 1886. Some of the alumni class associations have already given liberal sums and contributions have been received from several other quarters. The undergraduates have also been asked to help in furthering this good work and it is expected that a considerable amount will be raised in this way. Altogether, the prospects are bright for a good gymnasium but the college will have to wait two or three years before it is completed.
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