As the Tennis Association is about to enter another year's work, the present may be deemed an appropriate time to say a few words about its management, for the benefit of the incoming class. In former years the courts upon the college grounds were held by a sort of "squatter sovereignty," and complaints in consequence became so frequent that the tennis players of the university formed an association, which was to assume charge of the courts, and, in return for the small annual assessment fee required, was to keep them marked and rolled.
The association is to be praised for the excellent work it has accomplished, and every tennis player ought certainly to be enrolled among its members. Strange as it may seem, however, there are some men who prefer to avail themselves of the club's privileges without paying the merely nominal fee required. It has been decided to prevent this "dead-head" occupation of ours, that no person shall be allowed to use an association court unless prepared to show a certificate of membership, and it is hoped that this course will result both in increasing the membership of the club, and in protecting the interests of its members.
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