The tournament at Hartford next week to decide the college championship at tennis will be the best both in point of numbers and the quality of play which the association has ever held. This is the third year of the intercollegiate association, and each year the interest in the sport has spread wider and wider among all the colleges. This year the number of colleges which expect to be represented is eleven, and as many of the best players in the country are still students the playing will not be inferior to the great Newport tournament for the championship of the United States. As far as is known the colleges will send the following teams; Harvard, Sears, M. S., and Taylor, '86; Yale, Knapp and Thorne; Princetonm Halsey and Larkin; Columbia, Schuyler and Stevens; Brownk Gardner and Hills; Trinity, Brinley and Paddock; U. of Pennsylvia, J. S. Clark, (Harvard, '83.) and Scott.
In doubles the interest will probably centre in the work of Sears and Tayler, and Knapp and Thorne. In singles the result for first place can hardly be doubted; but a tough fight for second third prizes will probably be made by Taylor, Clark, Prinley, Thorne and Knapp. The playing will be done on the grounds of Trinity College, and the visiting players and friends will be the guests of Trinity students. The tournament begins on next Tuesday, the 7th, and not on Wednesday as stated before.
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