
Fact and Rumor.

Gilman '85 has given up playing foot ball.

Bowdoin has voted to send a crew to Lake George next season.

Keyes, '87, is now rowing stroke on one of the university eighths.

No skill in rowing is required of freshmen who enter the scratch races.

Saturday afternoon two freshmen nines played a game on Holmes field.


Mr. L. L. Hight, '86, has been elected a member of the Lampoon board of editors.

The Cricket Club seems to have aroused itself from a sleep of nearly two years.

Colby University was defeated by Bowdoin at base ball on Saturday by a score of 10 to 4.

Four members of the university crew played on the Yale eleven in the game with Wesleyan.

Those in charge of the erection of the statue of John Harvard expect to have it in position by the 15th of this month.

There will be a torchlight procession in Boston under the auspices of the Young Men's Independent Republican Club.

Mr. H. P. Peirson will play with Mr. H. A. Taylor in the doubles in the college tournament which begins on Wednesday.

The president, captain, and one private of the Bicycle club constituted the lonely crowd which took a run on Friday afternoon.

The freshman class at Tufts is the largest on record at that institution, numbering thirty-nine in the collegiate department and eleven in the divinity school.

At the annual game of the New York Athletic Club held at Mott Haven on Saturday, Mr. Queckberner broke the record for hammer throwing by making 98 feet, 8 inches.
