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In many respects the coming month is one of the best of the year for outdoor sports, especially for canoeing. The cool afternoons ought to serve as an inducement for many of the lovers of the double-blade to launch their craft on the river and start for a pleasant paddle up toward Watertown, or down into the rougher water of the harbor. The Canoe Club made a good beginning last spring, by holding a successful regatta; why cannot the experiment be repeated this fall? There can certainly be no better way to arouse interest in the sport. The number of entries made in the races last spring was very respectable, considering the comparative newness of the club's formation, and the work done by the contestants was very creditable indeed.

If it is thought inexpedient to hold a regatta this autumn, the club might at least make arrangements for a cruise. There is no doubt that an affair of this kind could be satisfactorily carried out and many members of the club would be glad to once more fly the crimson, and gold burgee before hanging it on their walls for a dreary winter's inactivity.
