To balance Treas, '82-83, $ 205.77
To subscriptions from all sources, 3772.55
To sale of tickets to crew dinner, 157.50
To sale of tickets to referee's tug, 52.00
To hasty Pudding theatricals, 1001.48
To loan, R. L. McCook, '85, 156.37
To crew and others for expenses incurred, 570.92
To rent of boats, lockers, rests, andc., 74.25
To Class crews for expenses incurred, 499.82
Total, $6490.86
Cr.By paying bill due from '82-'83, $1770.10
By postage, telegrams, andc. 8.37
By rent of boat house and lockers in gymnasium, 501.50
By rowing costumes, 79.25
By Hall and Whipple, for Crew dinner, 177.00
By coaching expenses, 550.00
By insurance on New London quarters, boats, oars, andc., in Cambridge, 62.50
By oars, andc., 97.25
By Robert Churchill, caterer at N. L. 140.00
By rent of land near quarters, 8.00
By provisions at New London, 390.37
By T. H. Brewer, board of crew, 514.32
By Steamer Niantic, at N. L., 47.00
By lettering prize flags, 57.90
By prizes, (cups), for '83 crew, 180.00
by Doctor Latimer, for G. Smyth, 30.00
By R. L. McCook, in payment of loan, 156.57
By crew and others for expenses incurred, 204.40
By Alorn, John, and George Smyth, 1092.53
By W. C. Ovenden, Foster and Farell, 218.20
By labor at boat house and elsewhere, 31.05
By hardware, paint, varnish, andc. 45.47
By miscellaneous expenses, 25.36
By cash on hand, 103.72
Total, 6490.86
Condition of finances at close of year.
ASSETS.Bills receivable (not including subs's,) $186.74
Cash on hand, 103.72
Excess of liabilities over assets, 1455.69
Total, $1746.07
LIABILITIES.Bills payable, $1746.07
Total, $1746.07
No. in class.
No. Subscribers.
Amount Subscribed.
Amount due.
A verage subscription.
Per cent-paod
I have examined these accounts and have found them entirely correct.
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