
Shakespere Club.

The study of elocution at Harvard has in the past few years undergone a marked change. In place of individual instruction to the students, class work has been substituted and, judging by the improvement shown in the speaking on the Boylston stage last year, this work has proved to be successful. It is now intended that those who have studied elocution, continue to work in unison by forming a club. The object of this club will be to promote the study of elocution, oratory and the classical drama and to arouse a wider interest in them not only at Harvard College but also in the community at large. For this purpose it is proposed to have, under the auspices of the club, a course of lectures in Sanders Theatre by Henry Ward Beecher, Henry Irving and others ; and in Sever Hall a series of readings by Mr. Jones and occasional informal talks by gentlemen interested in the object of the club. Mr. Irving will probably lecture on Dramatic Art and Mr. Beecher on Oratory.

The members of the club will be expected to do active work, consisting of weekly readings of Shakespeare and fortnightly public recitations in Sever Hall.
