
Mugwumps in Line.

The independent element in the Democratic procession on Wednesday evening was quite novel in its appearance. The Law School Cleveland and Hendricks Battalion turned our about thirty-five men, most of the club being absent. Their club was headed by a barouche driven by liveried groom and containing the lord chancellor and several other "legal lights" as a transparency announced. This festive turnout was guarded by several undergraduate spearmen and was followed by the band, lighted by more students, after which the club marched in column of fours. Behind the law men was a mugwump four-in-band on which were several Harvard men. This headed the Bohemian Brigade, of which notice was made in earlier issues of the week. A band of jolly looking vagrants, all of whom were labeled "Mugwump," to make sure that no one should mistake them, brought up the rear of this interesting detachment. These latter organizations were largely made up of young Harvard men whose faces were familiar in Cambridge a few years ago. Their dress was varied and gay and with the help of many fireworks and much colored fire from the coach at their head they made a fine showing.
