All who intend to march in the procession tonight must be on North Charles street, Boston at 6.45. The committee have made arrangements to have a number of cars to leave the square at 6 o'clock for the use of those going in the procession.
The Harvard Brigade will be in the division under the command of Col. W. G. Bancroft, which will probably be about the middle of the procession.
Class marshals are requested to report at the corner of Charles and Cambridge streets at 6.30, and to see that their respective classes are in line at 7.15 promptly, when the brigade will move to its position on Marlborough street.
The Harvard Brigade will form on North Charles street with its right resting on Cambridge street.
For the sake of convenience the order of the brigade is repeated :
Police Force.
Drum Corps.
Senior Class.
Foot Ball Team.
Junior Class.
Sophomore Class.
Freshman Class.
Law School.
Medical School,
And other Graduate Departments.
the marshals are requested to call at 20 Little's Block, between 9.30 and 10.30 o'clock this morning for their batons.
J. J. STORROW, Jr. Chief Marshal.
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Co-operative Society Bulletin.